About Us

Provider Of Maritime Simulatation Training And Assessment

Simsea’s mission is to add value to our customers’ business by securing predictable and safe operations with less non-productive time.

We deliver simulation, operational training, assessment and the full range of certified maritime courses.
We deliver full scale dry run of incidents,operations and work processes and technical solutions. Our focus is awareness, close interaction and responsiveness.
Human factors are always imbedded in the operations.  All tailor made to your expectations.

For special operations you may hire our facilities, bring your owninstructors
– we provide the necessary support.
You can use your own mathematical simulator models of ships, subsea equipment, ports etc.
We offer integrated bridges, engine rooms, DP, crane, ROV, etc.

We fully relieve customers by running best-in-class simulator technology as well as in depth operational and relational experience.

Simsea’s ambition is to increase seafarers’ operational skills, their ability to cooperate
and to be innovative–on-board.

We simulate real operations in-depth competence

Simsea’s mission is to add value to our customers’ business by securing predictable and safe operations with less non-productive time. We deliver simulation, operational training, assessment and the full range of certified maritime courses. We deliver full scale dry run of incidents,operations and work processes and technical solutions. Our focus is awareness, close interaction and responsiveness. Human factors are always imbedded in the operations. All tailor made to your expectations. For special operations you may hire our facilities, bring your owninstructors - we provide the necessary support. You can use your own mathematical simulator models of ships, subsea equipment, ports etc. We offer integrated bridges, engine rooms, DP, crane, ROV, etc. We fully relieve customers by running best-in-class simulator technology as well as in depth operational and relational experience. Simsea’s ambition is to increase seafarers’ operational skills, their ability to cooperate and to be innovative–on-board. We have almost an unlimited access to operational and inter-personal and human knowledge via our instructors and specialists, our owners and the distinctly maritime region we come from. In addition we have close cooperation with the University of Bergen, the Western Norway University of Appolied Sciences, Kongsberg Digital, Global Maritime and others. Our maritime instructors have recent experience from maritime operations, and some of them are still sailing. Human behavior training is performed by our own psychologist with years of experience in maritime challenges. Our services are prepared by own task teams that consist of customers, experienced mariners and other relevant expertise. The quality of our services is assured by our continiously improved management system according to ISO 9001-2015 and our accreditors like The Norwegian Maritime Administration, DNV-GL, Nautical Institute, Norwegian Oil and Gas, EPIM and The Norwegian Coastal Administration. Our customers and participants in the training sessions have their own in-depth competence. Together we create an effective learning environment.
Everybody learns from everybody.

Best-in-class simulator technology

Our simulators have models of real ships and equipment in daily use onboard. You will experience weather, wind and heavy seas. The only thing missing is the fresh sea air. All simulators are integrated and can be used for advanced complex operations. Each simulator can also be used on a stand-alone basis. The SIMSEA’s simulators are delivered and updated by Kongsberg Digital and Fugro Intersite
5 Bridges, K-Sim Offshore with DP, DNVGL Class A
2 DP bridge trainers; NI class A and B (K-Pos, SDP)
1 ECDIS laboratory with 6 stations
Ship/rig crane
Engine control room
1 High Voltage panel
1 DeepWorks subsea simulator, including ROV control room,
2 WROV’s and a shift supervisor station
In addition, we have access to 7 K-Sims navigationbridges belonging to The Western Norway University.

Maritime Training and Assessment

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