We know that more and more cruise ships use DP instead of anchoring, to assist maneuvering in narrow harbors, etc. You want your DP operators to be well qualified for such operations and we are happy to provide relevant training. We have developed a special DP class 0 training program for this purpose
The Cruise Ship DP training program runs over 3 days and have an e-learning module that participants should take upfront. After the course participants should be able to:
✔ Have acquired knowledge of the principles of DP. ✔ Have acquired a basic understanding of how to set up a DP system. ✔ Have understanding of the practical operation of associated equipment, including position reference systems. ✔ Be able to recognize the various alarm, warning and information messages. ✔ Be able to relate the DP installation to the ship system, including (but not limited to) power supply, manoeuvering facility, available position reference systems and nature of work. ✔ Be able to relate DP operations to the existing environmental conditions of wind, sea state, current/tidal stream and vessel movement. ✔ Carry out operational planning, risk assessment and hazard identification tasks ✔ Set up the DP system for a particular task ✔ Operate the communications ✔ Analyse the trends ✔ Discuss systems failures ✔ Decide on courses of action because of systems failures ✔ React to alarms and printer readout ✔ Initiate DP Alert status alarms ✔ React to all events occurring ✔ Operate the desk under normal and pressured conditions:
Simsea is an experienced provider of most maritime training courses and is accredited by NMA. Our DP training and DPO certification and are accredited by Nautical Institute and DNV GL.
Booking please use the button below, or contact: Turid Landås at + 47 94 00 58 80 | mail@Simsea.no